Salty Dog Design
Metallurgical Consultants
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The founders and principle members of SDD are Colin Hunter and Simon Purkiss
Colin studied Metallurgy at the Victoria University of Manchester at Brunel University under the sponsorship of Johnson Matthey and was awarded a PhD in 1985 for work on focussed on the recovery of the Nickel, Copper and Cobalt sulphide minerals and Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) in the South African platinum reefs.
Colin moved to South Africa in 1985 to work for Impala Platinum Ltd and later for Gencor Ltd. Left in 1993 to join Ashanti Gold Fields in Ghana and stayed through to 1996. From 1996 to 1998, was based back in the UK working for junior miner, Osmium Limited on a Nickel PGM project in Norilsk, Russia. After which, moved to Western Australia to join Titan Resources Ltd in the development of their Radio Hill nickel project. He Remained in WA for ten years and during this time was a founder and Technical Director of two ASX listed companies, Vital Metal Ltd (Tungsten) and Pacific Ore Ltd (BioHeap leaching technology).
Relocated back to the UK in 2008 and have been based ever since, operating largely as an independent consultant, working on various base and precious metal projects around the world.
Simon Purkiss is a metallurgical engineer with experience in the development of projects in South Africa, production in base metals and PGM’s and the development and sale of new metallurgical processes in the resource industry.
Simon was a founder and Managing Director of European Nickel PLC which developed to full bankable levels, the heap leaching of nickel laterites. Prior to his time with European Nickel, he worked in Russia and South Africa where he was Business Development manager for BHP Billiton and marketed the Billiton bacterial heap leaching process.
More recently Colin and Simon have been involved together in the development of Nickel projects and have joined forces to set up the SDD Limited metallurgical consulting based in Ascot, UK.
Full Resumes and Further Detail Available on Request